


事情发生的经过: 至少与最近几个月相比,这又是平静的一周. 我们现在已经过了大会上所有硬法案的最后期限. CityVision(365足彩下载的大型年度会议) 上周简报)也在我们身后. 剩下的? 对了,州政府的总支出计划.
单词释义: 众议院在五月初 批准并通过了24美元.50亿预算 参议院目前正在制定其版本的计划,可能在细节上存在分歧.
利用: 参议院的预算预计将于下周公布, which would be the second milestone toward a compromise document the chambers can agree to send the governor for signing. 但这里有个问题. 众议院和参议院仍由共和党控制, but this time without the veto-proof majority that in the past has overridden differences with the Democratic-controlled governor's office. 如果政府. 罗伊·库珀对今年的预算有足够的问题,他否决了它, 也许还有更多的工作要做.
瘦子: 各种线索, including lawmakers' attention to items (like regulatory reform) that typically come up in the latter part of the legislative session, 告诉我们,我们已经到了最后的冲刺阶段了——尽管这只是大家的猜测, 考虑到当地的因素, 至于2019年的长会议将于何时结束. 北卡罗来纳州的立法机构不像其他州那样有会议截止日期. 州长是怎么处理预算的, 立法者的优先事项是什么, 将决定今年的最后冲刺到底有多长. 与此同时,我们还有账单要付. 继续阅读要点.

众议院市政核心小组的联合主席,众议员. 盖尔·阿德科克和史蒂夫·罗斯主持了本周的第一次听证会 HB 557市政综合法案. 党团会议主席共同发起了该法案, which would change eight different areas of state law to cut red tape and increase administrative efficiency for cities and towns. 的 房子的状态 & 地方政府委员会 经过激烈的讨论,周三对该法案给出了有利的报告. 该法案包括市政官员确定的两项政策优先事项. 的 first would extend the notification a county must give the municipalities within it when the county commission switches the method it uses to distribute sales tax among the municipalities, 新财政年度前两个月至前七个月. 第二项提案将扩大拥有这类项目的市政当局提供的经济适用房援助. Other measures in the bill include eliminating a match requirement for municipalities in the most economically distressed counties when applying for grants from the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund; allowing municipalities to annex NCDOT right-of-way; allowing local governments to cease tax collection efforts of unpaid taxes after 10 years; ensuring finance officers are not personally liable if a vendor failed to follow required notifications for automatic contract renewals; reducing public hearing requirements for certain expenditures made within a municipal service district; and correcting the system development fee law to ensure that fee revenues may be spent on debt for certain capital expenses. 接下来该法案将被转移到 众议院财政委员会.

供大家讨论 参议院农业、环境和自然资源委员会 本周是 sb536水/废水公共企业改革, the work of a yearlong legislative study committee charged with looking at a variety of issues related to rates of public enterprise utilities. 最终焦点缩小到 超过170亿美元的水和下水道基础设施需要在全州范围内建设 以及基于基础设施需求的某些公用事业的持续财务可行性.
SB 536将做很多事情来试图解决水和废水公用事业的可行性, 包括建立一个新的拨款项目, 由国家水利基础设施管理局管理, 被称为“可行公用事业储备基金”.在委员会会议上, 然而, 参议员们表示,他们仍在努力确定为这些拨款提供资金的最佳金融机制, noting that the existing method in the bill -- a $1 monthly surcharge to be paid by every wastewater and water customer of a public water or wastewater utility – may not be the best method. 其他来源 本周有报道称,附加费将从法案中删除.
在创建拨款计划时, 它指导它可以资助的水和废水系统项目的类型, including assistance for physical interconnection of systems; rehabilitation of existing infrastructure; decentralization; and the study rates, 资产清单, 合并和区域化选择. 在他们关于系统挑战的讨论中, senators noted the changing demographics of North Carolina; the lessening of federal funding to utilities; and the inability in some areas to charge ratepayers what is needed to keep the system in good condition. 他们还谈到了合并的问题, 整合, and 区域化 is often impracticable because a utility in good financial standing will not burden its existing ratepayers by merging with a struggling utility. Committee talks recognized that there should be a structure in place to give viability grants to utilities to get them back to a baseline where merger, 区域化, 或者,即使不强制采取这些措施,也有可能出售该系统. 

在琼斯街的其他议案中, a Senate committee on agricultural and environmental issues this week advanced a regulatory reform proposal that, 在其他变化中, 是否会废除全州范围内禁止从垃圾填埋场丢弃电脑和电视的禁令. sb553 2019年监管改革法案 is now in the chamber's Rules Committee (a formal stop for any bill active in the Senate before it can reach the floor) after the 参议院农业、环境和自然资源委员会 星期四批准了. 媒体报道来自法案发起人参议员麦凯恩. 安迪威尔斯说,今天的平板电视不像它们四四方方的前辈那样笨重, 而且它们的回收需求并不总是很高, "so it would be better to allow local governments to dispose of electronics in lined landfills if they want, 而不是让它们堆积起来," as 罗利新闻 & 观察员报告 讨论的要点. WNCT引用 an opponent of the measure concerned with the proper handling and environmental safety of such devices, 哪些可能含有有害成分, 根据报告.
的 full Senate this week approved a separate bill that would make changes to the duties of local government finance officers. 接近尾声 HB 233州审计员/地方财务官修订 是否增加了与外部实体(如注册会计师)签订合同的权力, 记账公司, 政府议会和其他政府单位,以确保官员履行职责. 的 Local Government Commission could also adopt rules setting minimum qualifications for finance officers under the proposal and could require a local government or public authority to contract with outside entities if found otherwise deficient in carrying out duties. 该法案由众议院提出,并在参议院批准之前得到了参议院的修改, 所以它必须回到众议院获得批准. 这在众议院5月28日的日程表上.
And a House committee has signed off on a bill that would establish a North Carolina Gaming Commission with oversight on areas like the lottery, 幻想体育, 宾果游戏和类似的活动, 并将研究体育博彩, 最近在美国备受青睐.S. 最高法院判决 推翻了一项阻止各州授权的法律. 这在北卡罗来纳仍然是非法的,但是法案发起人众议员. 哈里·沃伦本周对众议院商务委员会说 HB 929博彩委员会, that activities like 幻想体育 gaming are popular regardless and ought to have some accountability in this state. 代表. Deb Butler during the discussion hinted at the substantial revenue stream governments could tap from authorized gaming. 该法案在进入全体投票之前还需要经过更多的委员会审议.

知识是2020年人口普查的强大推动力, 十年一次的人口普查承载了各种规模社区的决定因素 调查结果 美国.S. 人口普查局刚刚发布. "Knowing that the census guides how much money a community gets from the government is the most important reason for people to respond to the census,该局本周在对这项新调查的分析中报告说, 哪一个试图更好地理解当前公众的看法. 的 survey found that less than half of respondents knew the census was the basis for how vast amounts of public money is allocated. 此外,大约40%的人认为2020年人口普查是否将他们计算在内并不重要. Persons ages 18-34 responded as being the least likely to think their participation in the census matters. 另外, 1 in 4 respondents shared concerns about confidentiality with the information they'll be asked to provide, 尽管该局经常365体育足彩其安全和安保协议. 法律还保护人口普查结果. 
"的 focus groups suggest that encouraging response from trusted voices in the community may increase participation among people with the greatest distrust in government,统计局说, echoing points on the importance of local-level leaders (elected or not) informing residents of the benefits of participation. 365足彩下载的市政方程式播客今年早些时候发布 这一集着眼于2020年人口普查及其对社区的影响,并获得了来自人口普查局、全国城市365足彩下载、州政府和学术界的见解. 收听,下载或在线分享这一集.